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The Team

Collaborating Professors

In all editions of the Yoga Instructor Training Course - Lakshmi Yoga Vidya - we had the honor and joy of receiving partner teachers to teach classes on specific topics. They certainly brightened up our courses, bringing clarity and depth of knowledge. We also had professional friends giving us artistic and cultural moments that fill our hearts and souls! We thank you all immensely! In this edition, as it is an especially beneficial year, we will have a rich program. However, we are still in the process of invitations and confirmations, so this year's employees are gradually being inserted into these two columns of light! Stay in good expectation and stay tuned! OM SHANTI OM!

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Priscilla Almeida 
AnatoFisioPatologia pelo Yoga e Ayurveda
Práticas Presenciais

Devadassi is an academic in the Performing Arts (UnB), Storyteller and Yoga Instructor at Lakshmi Yoga Vidya School. His great inspiration comes from the East. It seeks to fuse the mythological and gestural histories of classical Indian dance in the Odissi style, originating in the Orissa region, east coast of India. The dancer uses body movements (chowks and tribhangas), symbolic hand gestures (mudras), dramatic expressions (abhinayas) and rhythms (splint), resulting in delicate performance. As a devotional art, the main objective of your work is to gently lead the audience to a state of meditative contemplation.


Raisa Moura

Cooperative Dynamics and Circular Dances

Graduated in Physical Education and post-graduated in Cooperative Games. Facilitator of Collaborative Methodologies and Circular Dances since 2012. Yoga instructor for 13 years, considers that the fruits of good yoga practice, as well as cooperation, are not limited only to the body, mind, emotions and spirit, but are projected in a very accentuated way in personal, professional and social achievements, as a philosophy of life. She also has a degree in Gaia Education, Permaculture and Non-Violent Communication.

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 Atmo Danai  (Rosana Fialho)
Dinacharya do Ayurveda
na Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde  

Licenciada em Educação Física (UFRS),  Escola do Movimento do Ivaldo Bertazzo, Instituto Internacional Bioflow e Instituto da Quietude Dinâmica. Dedicada ao estudo do Ayurveda, Terapias Corporais, Meditação e Reiki há mais de 25 anos. Formou-se Terapeuta pela Associação Brasileira de Ayurveda e aprofundou-se com médicos e escolas renomadas na Índia e USA, Arya Vaidya Academy, Ayuvedic Institute - Dr Vasant Lad, Tejomay Ayurved - Dr Avinash Lele  e Dra Bharati Lele, Dr Gaurav Dave. Em 2010, fundou o Instituto Atmo Danai, voltado para a formação profissional na área terapêutica, meditação e autoconhecimento. Com o intuito de difundir o Ayurveda, promover o auto-conhecimento, o bem- estar e a qualidade de vida. Danai dá palestras, consultorias e atendimentos baseados nesta ciência milenar, além de levar grupos para a Índia anualmente.

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 Yuri D. Wolf  (Vámádeva)

Sânscrito, Mantra, Sámkhya, Tantra 

Mergulhou no mundo da espiritualidade em 2014, logo se interessando profundamente pelo Yoga. Em 2015 passou a estudar a língua sânscrita e as filosofias indianas, com professores renomados. Em 2018, graduou-se especialista em Nutrição Ayurvedica no requisitado Greens Ayurveda no estado de Kerala, Sul da Índia. É praticante e estudante da tradição tântrica nepalesa, na qual deposita toda sua devoção. Com sua experiência já ajudou mais de 500 alunos a aprofundarem suas jornadas com os conhecimentos de Sânscrito, Áyurveda e Filosofias Indianas. Neste curso introduzirá a língua sânscrita e sua mística, a filosofia Sámkhya e a Tradição Tântrica com didática espirituosa, profunda, leve e objetiva.

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Andreia Torres

Intermodule Classes on the Udemy Platform  

Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Yoga

We are a family owned and operated business.

Andreia Torres, nutritionist, with a master's and doctorate from the University of Brasilia. Graduated in Yoga at the 6th Class of Instructors at Lakshmi Yoga Vidya School (2009). Currently lives and works in Portugal, working in the area of Integrative Health Practices.


Anairam Terra

Advanced Asanas, Strength and Inverted Asanas

Anairam is a Yoga Instructor at Lakshmi Yoga Vidya School, Aerial Yoga Instructor and Ashtanga practitioner. She is an Ayurvedic Therapist at Escola Brahma Vidya Laya and a Body Therapist. Your sharing is focused on perfecting asanas, overcoming internal and external blockages and conquering self-confidence.


Alexandra Fiori

  Management and Marketing of the New Profession

Ale is a journalist, Yoga Instructor at Lakshmi Yoga Vidya School, Yogaterapêuta at the Enchanted Mountain Yoga Center and Aromatherapêuta by Terra Flor. He currently maintains on Youtube the channel Satvika Yoga Integrativo with videos that provide guidelines for yoga practices for beginners and therapeutic sequences for the most common imbalances of everyday life. Acts as Instructor of Integrative Yoga at the Budhata Studio, in Águas Claras - DF. She is the journalism coordinator for the Radioweb Agency in Brasília, specializing in Political Science at UnB and in Social Media at the School of Communication Comunique-se. It also manages profiles on Instagram, Facebook, Google+, Blogger and Twitter.

Alba Lirio

Voice Yoga, Meditative Chants and Mantras

Alba is an artist, journalist, writer and leading teacher in Brazil at The Vox Mundi School of the Voice, a school founded 30 years ago by award-winning composer Silva Nakkach, based in California, whose teaching methodology is organized in the program entitled Yoga da Voz. The work brings together Eastern and Western techniques for the development of the voice as art and spiritual practice, in permanent dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity. Graduated in piano at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Música, in Rio, in vocal music at The Vox Mundi School, she had the opportunity to study with some of the great masters of classical and contemporary music and dance. She regularly teaches courses, in the country and abroad, being an invited professor for lectures and workshops on her work at universities and other institutions inside and outside Brazil.

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