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Ceres Moura

The Idealizer


I was born on August 9, 1960, in a Kardecist family. I was initiated by my parents in the concepts of reincarnation, karma and dharma in early childhood. At the age of 5, I learned from my mother, a healing medium, the art of fluidizing water and giving energy cleaning passes to treat health, tools that I still use today.

We are a family owned and operated business.

At the age of 14, I joined the Messianic Church, a faith of Japanese origin. I was initiated in the Art of Johrei, irradiation of the healing energy through the hands, for purification of the spiritual body by the divine light. I received training to be a Worship Assistant, having remained active for 4 years.

I discovered yoga as a girl reading and imitating images that I saw in the Planeta Magazine that my parents collected. Around the age of 16 I got from Mom the book "Yoga for Nervous People" by Prof. Hermogenes, intending to help me tame my Leo nature. I started to avidly read everything about yoga that came to me and soon I fell in love with this art-science-philosophy.

We are a family owned and operated business.

At the age of 17 I was initiated in the Rája Yoga meditation by Brahma Kumaris, in Sydney - Australia, where I lived for 3 years. It was in Australia where I first came into contact with alternative communities, naturist beaches, exotic cuisines and political movements against social oppression, concepts that definitely influenced my way of being and being in the world.

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Back in Brazil in 1980 I started regular Swásthya Yoga practices in Brasilia, and due to the yogic way of life and a certain awakening, at the age of 20 I became a vegetarian. In 1982 I moved with my partner, a medical student, to Montes Claros - Norte de Minas, where I lived for 4 years. There we experienced and intensively shared the foundations of the effervescent alternative movement.

Guided and trained by the late Prof. Zezé Silveira, in 1984 I became a Yoga Instructor by the Extension Course of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, taught by Professor DeRose. At that time it was yoga that most attracted young people all over Brazil, as it is a very complete, beautiful, elegant and dynamic style. I practiced Swásthya Yoga for 17 years.

We are a family owned and operated business.

With a spirit of research and freedom, I continued drinking from different sources and always improving myself, I expanded my knowledge with renowned professors from Brazil and the world, among them:

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  • Iyengar Yoga: Gustavo Ponce, Luceni Bortolatto, Robyn Findler, Silvio Nunes.

  • Ashtanga Yoga: Clayton Horton, Valéria Lemos.

  • Power Yoga: Juan Anguiano, Anderson Allegro.

  • Swásthya Yoga: Sérgio Luiz DeRose, Rogério Brant, Sérgio Santos, Zezé Silveira.

  • Kundalini Yoga: Subagh Kaur, Boddhi Chandra.

  • Voice Yoga: Alba Lírio, Silvia Nakashi, Ana Borges.

  • Anatomy of Yoga: Cláudio Fernandez, Luceni Bortolatto, Márcio Abatipietro, Priscilla Almeida, Cornélia Eberhart, Andrea Lie, Andreia Torres.

  • Philosophy, History of Yoga and Tantra: DeRose, Carlos Eduardo G. Barbosa, Joseph and Lilian Le Page.

  • Asanas and Meditation: Pedro Kupfer, André De Rose, Anderson Allegro, Miguel Devadatta, Dr. Ruguê Ribeiro.

  • Yoga Sútra and Bhagavad Gita: Carlos Eduardo Barbosa, Giridhari Das, Chandra Adwaita and Sadhu Sanga.

  • Yoga in Education: Maurício Salém; Laughter Yoga: Jesus Reggeti; Tibetan Yoga: Eneida Caetano.

  • Yoga for the Eyes: Maria Luiza, Alexandre Pimentel.

  • Mantras: Alba Lírio, Chandra Lacombe, Carlos Cardoso, Cláudio Vinícius, Anand Arun.

In 2005 I studied Anatomy of Yoga and Improvement in the Practice of Asanas, within the methodology of Iyengar Yoga, taught by Profª Luceni Bortolatto, from Espaço Iyengar Yoga, in Brasília.

In 2006 I received initiation into Kriya Yoga, being blessed by the hands of Swami Paramahamsa Prajñanananda, a direct disciple of Swami Hariharananda, the current world successor of the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda and Babají.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In 2007 I received initiation in Rája Yoga, by Suddha Dharma Mandalam, from the hands of Acharya Miguel Devadatta, under auspicious protection of the Masters of the Great Fraternity, of the Himalayas.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In 2008 I completed my second Training of Yoga Instructors Integrative Therapy, at the Yoga Center of the Enchanted Mountain, with Lílian and Joseph Le Page.

In 2008, he also completed Doulas Training, by the NGO Doularte, in Brasília - DF, with Lívia Penna Firme and Renata Beltrão.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In 2009 I made my 1st journey of self-knowledge to India, where I stayed for 45 days immersed in studies and experiences of Ayurveda and Yoga. At the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 I made my 2nd journey, having stayed for 16 days in Nepal and for 4 months in India, wandering through sacred cities, temples, Yoga and Ayurveda Schools.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In 2018 I completed the Training in Ayurvedic Therapist at Escola Brahma Vidya Laya, with Dr. José Ruguê.

I also did Level I of Aerial Yoga Training, with Prof. Sarah Clotworthy.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Incrível a beleza do Golden Temple, local de peregrinação mais importante do Sikhis, no norte da Índ
BAHUPADÁSANA, posição de força e equilíbrio, confere tônus aos braços, ombros e pernas_edited
SIMHÁSANA, a pose do leão_edited


Since 1984 I teach yoga classes for adults, young people, children and seniors. From 1986 I started to give Yoga to Pregnant Women with preparation for Natural Childbirth, having already accompanied some friends and my daughters in home and hospital deliveries. I have three daughters and five net @ s born by normal birth and raised within the precepts of yoga and vegetarianism.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Throughout my career I have taught dozens of workshops, experiences and lectures on Yoga, Conscious Nutrition, Natural Therapies and Quality of Life, speaking to the public in several cities in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina, Bahia, Paraíba, Ceará, Goiás and the Federal District.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Among the Yoga themes that I taught in workshops and events, I highlight:

  •      Yantras, Mantras and Mudras

  • Subtle Physiology: Nadís, Chakras and Kundaliní

  • Karma and Dharma: Transform Your Life

  • Live Menopause with Health  

  • Activation of the Hormonal System

  • Yoga: History, Philosophy and Techniques

  • Culture of Peace and Citizenship: Self-Esteem, Values ​​and Social Development

  • Sexuality and Safe Sex, Across Cultures and Times

  • Yoga for Children

  • Yoga to Reduce Stress

  •      Tantra Yoga for Women

  • Tantra Yoga for Conscious Couples

We are a family owned and operated business.

I also acted as a Yoga facilitator for Quality of Life at Work in companies such as: Sebrae, Embrapa, Bankers Union, Canespe, Incra, Natura and Ceres Foundation of Banco do Brasil.

We are a family owned and operated business.

It was only after all these rich teaching experiences that I was called to teach other instructors. So far, I have taught 16 Courses for Deepening and Training Yoga Instructors, 12 classes in Brasília, one in Alto Paraíso and three in Pirenópolis.

The first edition took place in 1997 at the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Brasília / UnB - one of the most important Federal Universities in Brazil, with a certificate issued by the Extension School. The other classes took place at my own school - Lakshmi Yoga Vidya - and in partner spaces, with certificates recognized by the Yoga Alliance.

I trained about 270 Yoga Instructors with technical and philosophical excellence, who today teach classes successfully in several states in Brazil and even abroad (Argentina, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy).

We are a family owned and operated business.

For 36 years I have been transmitting the teachings of Yoga with love and dedication, in a non-dogmatic, holistic and multidisciplinary approach, in tune with a new planetary consciousness. I have improved myself through tireless research and multifaceted learning, developing my own style of teaching, where I bring together the essence of each line within my multidimensional perception, integrating traditional and contemporary knowledge, Eastern philosophical vision and Western scientific vision. I believe I am cooperating in the process of self-knowledge and improvement of all the people who come to me.

We are a family owned and operated business.

I am infinitely grateful to the Universe, to my Masters and Guides on Earth and on the Spiritual Plane, to my family, to my circle of friends, to the students and clients who trust in the services I offer and always teach me, sharing life experiences and interacting with affection.

We are a family owned and operated business.


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