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Sandro Shankara

Training in Náda Yoga and Multidimensional Mantra Therapy


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Since time immemorial, the wisdom traditions of peoples around the world have been fully aware of the extent to which sound is a particularly effective element for healing people, opening their hearts and expanding consciousness. In all directions, through mantras, psalms, gongs, fl ows, Tibetan bowls, maracas and drums, sound has always been used by shamans, magicians, monks and yogis as a fundamental tool as it is perhaps the most subtle perceptual environment at our disposal to communicate with the unspeakable. This approach is particularly important for the spiritual traditions of India, where the whole universe is conceived as vibration: both in the vedas and upanishads as well as in the yoga sutras, the tantras, the medieval hatha yoga treatises and the teachings of several more contemporary masters, in in short, throughout the history of yoga the importance of vibration is emphasized as the most accessible and powerful form of meditative absorption (laya), being the most subtle and primary means at our fingertips (the closest to the ineffable). Based on this traditional view (often overlooked in the modern "import" of yoga in the West), as well as on our own experience over years of practice and teaching, we propose an introductory workshop on relaxing, energizing and harmonizing qualities (at the physical, energetic, mental and spiritual) of sound yoga. (Victor Cruz)

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We are a family owned and operated business.


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The Training Course of Nada Yoga and Multidimensional Mantra Therapy, in a partnership between Lakshmi Yoga Vidya and invited teachers / musicians in the months of June and September 2018, May and July 2019.

The course consists of 04 face-to-face modules of 25 hours each (100 hours), online modules (30 hours), extra-class oriented study groups (20 hours), supervised internship (30 hours) and reflection work on the subject. learned (20 hours), totaling 200 hours, on the dates foreseen for:

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Module I: July 13, 14 and 15 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Sandro Shamkara.

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Intermodule: August (online)

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Module II: September 07, 08 and 09 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Alba Lírio

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Intermodule: October (online)

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Module I II : May 2019 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Jorge Peña

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Intermodule: June (online)

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Module IV: July 2019 - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Victor Cruz and Gabi Terra

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Intermodule: August (online)

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We are a family owned and operated business.

To train interested people within the Philosophy of Yoga, Ayurveda and Integrative Therapies, to act as multidisciplinary mantra-therapists and music therapists.

Who is it aimed at? Yoga Instructors, Musicians, Psychologists, Therapists, Physiotherapists, Physical Educators, Actors and related areas.

Prerequisites: Complete high school. Personal Yoga practice proven for 06 months, before and during the training period.

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Audiovisual resources (sound, video and data show), musical experiences, yoga, dialogued exhibition, online directed study, individual service and group work will be used.

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* There may be restructuring of the themes as needed by the class

Traveling through Brazil (and around the world) I was able to see the qualities and deficiencies of Yoga practitioners and students. Hindu mythology, pronunciation (Sanskrit), vocal technique, group practices, Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and advanced practices that lead to transcendental experiences.

I practice Bhakti Yoga regularly since 1997 and in this proposal I bring my practical and theoretical experience. As a professional musician, I graduated from the Brazilian Conservatory of Music as a Bachelor in Music Therapy, I have the national portfolio of the Order of Musicians in Brazil and I work for large companies such as Rede Globo, Petrobrás, music producers, among others.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Sandro Shankara

The course fits into the Yoga Training class program where I bring modules with varied themes. All subjects covered are independent, that is, they are not interconnected, and can be presented according to the need of the course grid. Each module lasts 4 hours.

Module I

1. Om - The sound of the universe

2. Millennial Music from India (vedas)

3. Pronounces and meanings and sáncrito

4. The main corners of Yoga classes

5. Mantra Yoga - Group practice

6. Hindu mythology: Ganesha, the obstacle-removing God
7. Sacred songs for Ganesha
8. The Song of India
9. Mantra Yoga - Group practice

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Module 2

10. Etymology of the Mantra
11. The Gods of India: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
12. Mantra Yoga - group practice
13. Mantra as a meditation tool

14. The Goddesses of India: Sarasvati, Lakshimi and Durga
15. Mantra Yoga - group practice
16. The 6 foundations of the mantra
17. The chakra mantra

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We are a family owned and operated business.

Module 3

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18. Indian Classical Music
19. Indian instruments
20. Raga - India's melody
21. Tala - India's rhythm
22. Indian singing practice
23. How to play Kirtans and Mantras in a group

24. Tvameva Mata - Master's Prayer
25. Purnamadath - Mantra of Fullness
26. Tryambakam - Mantra of Transformation
27. Saha Na Vavatu - 5 requests for Peace
28. Ganesha Stotram - verses for Ganesha
29. Gayatri Mantra - The mantra of enlightenment
30. Sarasvati Vandanam - chant for the Goddess of knowledge

Module 4

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33. Main pronunciations of: Chakras, Asanas, Yoga Terms, Vedanta Philosophy, Practice of Vedic chants.

34. The Guru x Disciple principle
35. The three divine aspects (Guru Brahma)
36. Contemporary masters

37. Bhakti Yoga: the practice of devotion
38. How to create your Sadhana (personal practice).
39. Meditation of the inner master

40. Completion of the Course with Linda Puja (Vedica ceremony) with a Karma bonfire and Mantras show in the Delivery of Certificates.

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We are a family owned and operated business.

Alba Lírio is an artist, journalist, writer and leading teacher in Brazil at The Vox Mundi School of the Voice, a school founded 30 years ago by award-winning composer Silva Nakkach, based in San Francisco, California, whose teaching methodology is organized in the program entitled Voice Yoga. The work brings together Eastern and Western techniques for the development of the voice as art and spiritual practice, in permanent dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity. Graduated in piano at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music, in Rio, in vocal music at The Vox Mundi School, she had the opportunity to study with some of the great masters of classical and contemporary music and dance, among them Silvia Nakkach, Maestro Ali Akbar Khan , Prof. Ritwik Sanyal (music); Gill Anthony and Graciela Figueroa (dance), in addition to the masters of Brazilian popular culture with whom he had the honor of living and learning. She regularly teaches courses, in the country and abroad, being an invited professor for lectures and workshops on her work at universities and other institutions inside and outside Brazil.


We are a family owned and operated business.

It is a theoretical-experiential workshop in which, starting from the first notion of the voice as an energetic device, the participant has the opportunity to deepen their listening, become aware of the sound, know and release their vocal potential and refine their appreciation of the art of music and singing as an aesthetic and spiritual experience.

Like body yoga, Yoga da Voz is methodologically structured in different stages of theoretical foundations and practices that range from sound to devotional singing, from cultural roots to transcendence, constituting a unique and integrated access path towards development and personal transformation.



  1. The Voice Body: breathing exercises and body awareness, combined with roots sounds and syllables capable of revitalizing the energy centers, guaranteeing the free flow of the voice and the body-mind-voice integration.

  2. Sound, Voice and Yoga: presentation of a fundamental structure in the integration of sound, yoga and singing, based on a multicultural repertoire of ancient vocal traditions, with contemporary voice development practices and techniques.

  3. Devotion through Sound: yogas, medicinal melodies, ritual and devotional songs from different cultural traditions that elevate the spirit and celebrate life.

  4. The balance of the five elements: what music, voice and movement can do for this.

  5. The Art of Melody: moving Voice as Energy. Musical and spiritual tuning. The inspiration that comes from the ragas: beauty and emotion in the corner of classical India.

Victor G. Cruz is a graduate and master in philosophy, a committed practitioner and scholar of the tradition of yoga and its paths since 2009, as well as a musician focused on mantra singing and classical Indian dhrupad singing. Since 2013, he has dedicated himself to sharing integral yoga, focusing on nāda yoga (yoga of sound), the philosophy of yoga and the connection with Ayurveda as a health science, through group and individual sessions, courses, workshops, shows and retreats experiences within the anāhata nāda yoga and saṃtoṣa āyurveda projects (with therapist Ana Gabriela Terra). Currently, he lives a nomadic life between India, Nepal, Brazil and Spain, with full dedication to practice, teaching and study: immersed in the research of dhrupad chant (guided by his masters, the Gundecha Brothers), delving into yoga as an enlightened vital path by his guru Sri Prem Baba, graduating in Ayurveda and Vedic philosophy with Swami Narayanananda (Doctor José Ruguê) and complementing his initial training in Satyananda Yoga with the study of the tradition of Iyengar and Krishnamacharya.

This workshop, aimed at anyone (yoga practitioners and teachers, therapists, musicians and anyone interested in meditation in general) regardless of their level of experience, offers an opportunity to understand the basic fundamentals and directly experience the effects of nāda yoga on our system.

Contents: • Philosophy and fundamental concepts of nāda yoga: • ahata and anāhata nāda. • the four levels of sound and its application in the practice of nāda yoga: • vaikhari (audible sound) • madhyama (energetic sound, intermediate level) • paśyantī (archetypal, enlightened sound) • parā (transcendental sound, beyond) • Yogic techniques of deep listening meditation: • Parameters to expand the focus of attention on external listening. • Nāda yoga nidra. • Meditative absorption by listening to the inner primordial sound (anāhata nāda). • Yogic meditation techniques in the emission of sound through the voice: • Phonetic articulation of the Sanskrit alphabet and its main bīja mantra: cosmology u. • Natural singing according to the dhrupad lineage of nāda yoga :: clear, free and stable voice. The singing with a catchphrase: micro-refining in the fusion between the voice and the basic sound. • The singing of ॐ: the primordial sound.

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This course is a detailed introduction to the theory and practice of mantra meditation. Some fundamental tools for personal practice are offered to students, as well as an exposition of the key theoretical aspects to get started in the deep and ancient tradition of mantra in yoga.


  1. General introduction: What is a mantra and why practice it?

  2. Description of the three complementary pillars in the practice of Mantra Yoga: word, sound and devotion.

  3. Theoretical-practical presentation of the six aspects or rules in the chanting of mantras at Taiterya Upaniṣad:

  4. Varna (syllables, articulation: the phonetic factor).

  5. Matra (duration of the recitation of the vowels that make up each syllable: the temporal factor).

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  1. Balam (enunciation force of each syllable: the dynamic factor).

  2. Santana (punctuation, pauses: the rhythmic factor).

  3. Svara (note, pitch: the sound factor).

  4. Sama (melodic continuity in the successive connection of the svara: the musical factor).

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We are a family owned and operated business.

  1. Approximation to the Sanskrit alphabet for the correct pronunciation of syllables (varna), duration (matra), articulation strength (balam) and punctuation (santana).

  2. Singing with a natural voice: how to open and become aware of our natural voice according to the vocal culture of the mantra, how to develop a clear, free and stable sound following the techniques of dhrupad (“musical” derivation of mantra singing that constitutes the most traditional tradition). ancestral and meditative nature of classical Hindustan music).

  3. The singing with a catchphrase: how to generate consonance (samvad) between the voice and the catchphrase, thus obtaining the characteristic effect of pitch for each sound (svar) and melodic continuity (sama).

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We are a family owned and operated business.

  1. Introduction to the theory, practice and evolution of different melodic forms in chanting of mantras:

  2. Monotonal corner: a constant note.

  3. Tritonal singing: alternation of the three “magic” notes (udatta, anudatta and svarita).

  4. Polytonic singing: development of rāgas (modal scales), arising from the chanting of sāma veda.

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We are a family owned and operated business.

  1. Types of mantras, ways to practice them and specific applications.

  2. Which is a japa mala and how to use it. Types of suitcase and their properties.

  3. Experiential integration of the entire program through group learning and practice of some of the fundamental mantras for the yoga tradition.

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